7 Conjunctions

7.3 The use of når and da

If the sentence is in the past tense, and the action happened once, we use da. If the action happened more than once, we use når.

Jeg købte en bil, da jeg var i Silkeborg. I bought a car when I was in Silkeborg.
Vi spiste altid kartofler, når vi besøgte min mor. We always ate potatoes when we visited my mother.

Når is also used in the present tense and the future tense.

Han går i seng, når han er søvnig. He goes to bed when he is sleepy.
Jeg skal købe en jakke, når jeg får penge. I shall buy a jacket when I get some money.

In English the conjunction when is used. When corresponds to når and da and is used in all tenses.

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