7 Conjunctions

7.2 Subordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions connect two clauses. The clauses in question are always a main clause and a subordinating clause. The subordinating conjunction always begins the subordinate clause (see 8.3 Word order in subordinate clauses).

Mens jeg kørte, regnede det. While I drove, it rained.
Hun spurgte, om jeg elskede hende. She asked if I loved her.

Subordinating conjunctions are: at, da, dengang, end, for at, efter at, fordi, før, førend, hvis, idet, inden, medmindre, mens, når, om, selvom, siden, skønt, som, som om, så at, uden at.

Hun spørger, om vi kommer i morgen. She is asking whether we are coming tomorrow.
Han kommer, når han får tid. He will come, when he has the time.
Vi gik tidligt, fordi vi var færdige. We left early because we had finished.

The subordinating conjunctions are used in the same way in English and in Danish.

Questions of understanding