5 Adverbs

5.3 Two-form adverbs

Some adverbs have a long form and a short form. The long form is used in connection with verbs describing an action taking place in one particular place.

Yves går ude i haven. Yves walks about in the garden.
Annette spiser inde i stuen. Annette eats in the diningroom.
Katten ligger oppe på bordet.
The cat is lying up on the table.

The short form is used when we talk about something or someone, moving from one place to another.

Yves kommer ud og løber. Yves comes out and runs.
Annette løber ind i stuen.
Annette runs into the diningroom.
Katten kravler op i træet.
The cat climbs up into the tree.

Two-form adverbs

Long form

Short form







Adverbs with two forms are not found in English.

Questions of understanding