5 Adverbs

5.2 False adverbs

False adverbs are prepositions or adjectives which are also used as adverbs.

As a preposition:

Der står indgang døren. It says entry on the door.

As an adverb:

Jeg ringede . I rang the bell.

Some adverbs are also adjectives. This type of adverb describes the way in which something happens. They are also called adverbs of manner. Adverbs which describe the way in which something happens, always end in -t.

Han smilede venligt. He smiled kindly.
Han udtrykte sig meget personligt. He expressed himself very personally.
Bilen kørte hurtigt. The car travelled rapidly.

In English an adjective can also be used as an adverb. When the word serves as an adverb of manner -ly is added.

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