5 Adverbs

5.0 Definition

Adverbs describe the way in which something happens. Adverbs may also specify where, how or when a state of things, movement or a change takes place.

Børnene kom ind. The children came in.
Han sang dårligt. He sang badly.
Børnene vågnede tidligt om morgenen. The children woke early in the morning.

Adverbs describe actions but not things which are qualified by adjectives.

Adverbs may qualify a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a complete sentence.

Solen gik ned. The sun set.
Bilen er ikke ny. The car is not new.
Jeg ser ham næsten aldrig. I hardly ever see him.
Han kommer måske en halv time for sent. He might be half an hour late in coming.

Adverbs may be divided into two categories: true and false adverbs.

The adverb is used in the same way in English and in Danish.

Questions of understanding