3 Pronouns

3.6 Relative pronouns

A relative pronoun is the word that refers back to a noun or a name which has just been mentioned in the sentence. The most common relative pronouns are som and der.

Pigen, som hedder Susanne, bor i Nygade. The girl, whose name is Susanne, lives in Nygade.
Pigen, der hedder Susanne, bor i Nygade. The girl, whose name is Susanne, lives in Nygade.

Som and der refer back to the girl. When som or der is the subject in a sentence, it does not matter whether we use som or der. If the relative pronoun is the object, we have to use som.

Han spiste maden, som jeg gav ham. He ate the food that I gave him.

In English the relative pronoun differs depending on whether it refers to persons or things.

Peter, who comes from England,...
The book which I read...

Questions of understanding