2 Nouns

2.2 Nouns in the singular

In the singular there are two forms: indefinite and definite.

In the indefinite form the noun is unknown.

En dreng larmer altid. A boy is always noisy.
Et hus bliver repareret. A house is being repaired.

In the definite form the noun is known.

Drengen larmer altid. The boy is always noisy.
Huset bliver repareret. The house is being repaired.

With n-words in the definite form, the ending is -en.

If, on the other hand, the word ends with -e, the ending is only -n.

With t-words in the definite form, the ending is -et.

If, on the other hand, the word ends with -e, the ending is only -t.

Nouns in the singular



en avis


en have


et hus


et værelse


In English there is also a definite and an indefinite form. The definite form of the noun is formed with the article the, and not as in Danish with an ending added to the noun.

a man
the man

an apple
the apple

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